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Committee Timeline


Committee members are selected from district administration, faculty, students, and community members.


APRIL 2023

The committee releases its first survey to the community and OCSD schools, receiving nearly 400 ideas regarding the future mascot.


MAY - JUNE 2023

The committee examines community responses, narrowing down the suggestions to three top contenders.

The top contenders are presented back to the community in a second community survey beginning June 02, 2023.


JULY 2023

After concerns were presented from students, staff and community members regarding one of the mascot choices, three new options were sent to the community and OCSD schools for a final vote. The survey received nearly 1,000 responses.



The Oneida Express was announced as the winning mascot choice, and the committee will continue to work on final imagery and design for the mascot.


Where can I find the memo from NYSED?

The memo is available at this link.


Where can I read more from NYSED on this decision?

You can read more from NYSED here -- including its own FAQ section.