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The Road to Code team of ten (10) educators started meeting in July 2022 to start professional development and curriculum writing. The educators started off by going through all of the hardware and learning how to use the various kits. Integration specialists from the Mohawk Regional Information Center spent the day with the Road to Code team exploring with the kits and robots. The consensus of the Road to Code team was to color code written curriculum to align with the coloring provided in the grade level bands of the NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards. By following the color coding, it allowed the educators to see what skills they were targeting and what skills needed more attention.

As lessons were created, the request for consumables that kits did not provide were requested. For example, bins, Legos, and PlayDoh were among the requests.

Student Survey
In coordination with Apter & O'Connor Associates Inc., twenty-five students responded to a survey about their experience in the Road To Code program at the end of the Fall semester. Click on the link below to view the survey results.  
Oneida LTG Student Survey results 12.20.23

Staff Survey 
In coordination with Apter & O'Connor Associates Inc., staff responded anonymously to a survey about their experience in the Road To Code program at the end of the Fall semester. Click on the link below to view the survey results.  
Oneida City School District LTG Teacher Participant Survey - Spring 2023