Welcome to the OHS Counseling Homepage!
From Left to right: Stephanie Anderson, Nick Grossmann, Erika Haggerty, Kim Friend-Griffing, Alexis Scampone
Throughout your four years in High School, you will be presented with many exciting opportunities as well as possible challenges.
The counselors are available to support you and share valuable information to ensure a positive and successful academic career.
Be sure to check back often as we continually update our site!
Contact Information: P: (315) 363-6901 x3 F: (315) 366-0619
Ms. Erika Haggerty, Director A-F EHaggerty@oneidacsd.org
Mrs. Alexis Scampone, Counselor G-M AScampone@oneidacsd.org
Mr. Nicolas Grossmann, Counselor N-Z NGrossmann@oneidacsd.org
Mrs. Stephanie Anderson, Social Worker SAnderson@oneidacsd.org
Mrs. Kim Friend-Griffing, Counseling Secretary KFriend-Griffing@oneidacsd.org
OHS Counselors Google Classroom
Counselors will be posting important information here. Contact can be made with counselors via email or through the classroom.
Freshman Code: rsvk2co
Sophomore Code: x6zvy2n
Junior Code: uy5qwya
Senior Code: 6ew343w
Transcript Request
If you need a copy of your transcript please contact your counsleor or Mrs. Friend-Griffing.