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High School Guidance Home

OHS Counselors Google Classroom

Counselors will be posting important information here. Contact can be made with counselors via email or through the classroom.


Freshman Code: x6zvy2n

Sophomore Code: uy5qwyaJunior Code: 6ew343w

 Madison County services available

Please follow the below links to find local services available to all Madison County residents

Madison County Webpage

Madison County Service Directory

Important Dates

Senior Workshop Day.......September 27th

Senior Parent Night...... September 27th 6pm

Financial Aid Assistance Night........ October 5th, 2023 6-7:30pm

PSAT...... October 11th

College Fair.…………………October 12th, 2022 11-12:30

AP Exams…………………… May 2024

SAT Date (for OHS).………...March 9, 2024 

Welcome to the OHS Counseling & Guidance Homepage

Contact Information: P: (315) 363-6901 x3 F: (315) 366-0619

Throughout your four years in High School, you will be presented with many exciting opportunities as well as possible challenges. The counselors are available to support you and share valuable information to ensure a positive and successful academic career. Be sure to check back often as we continually update our site! 

Mrs. Erika Haggerty, Director A-F

Ms. Alexis Scampone, Counselor G-M

Mr. Nicolas Grossmann, Counselor N-Z 

Mrs. Stephanie Anderson, Social Worker

Mrs. Kim Friend-Griffing, Counseling Secretary

Meet the OHS Counseling Team!


From Left to right: Stephanie Anderson, Nick Grossmann, Erika Haggerty, Kim Friend-Griffing, Alexis Scampone

Scheduling Info: Student should be reviewing the below course description books, counselors will begin meeting with students to make plans for next year. Please email your students counselor with any questions. 

24-25 Course Description Final.pdf


Attn: all students needing working papers, we are sure many of you will be looking for working papers over the next few weeks. Please see below instructions to obtain working papers while we are closed.

Download the application below

Parents need to fill out Part I and Part II of the form. 

 Student's physical needs to updated within the past year. Will be verified by the school nurse.

Completed application should be emailed to or dropped off in the counseling office. After verification, Mrs. Friend-Griffing will provide the documents.
Working Papers Application

High School Guidance Resources

  • Physical Therapist

    Native Earth Program


    UpState Medical University


    Suny Morrisville

    Register Here
    Preface 2024

    West Point
    UpState Medical School

    MVCC Open House
    CIT Camp Lookout


    New York Institute


    5 HealthCare Careers in 15 minutes


    Women in Sports


    2024 Summer Pre-College


    NYU Pre-College Program for High School Students


    Suny Poly


    Northeast College of Health Science


    Register Here

    Beginning Monday, October 16th, and ending Sunday, October 29th,
    students can apply to up to five SUNY campuses with no application fee! This
    includes all campuses, no matter which application vehicle the student uses.
    Details are available here:

    • If using Common App: you will need to apply campus by campus. On each SUNY school’s member page, there will be a question that says, "It is free application week with The State University of New York through October 29th! Would you like SUNY to pay your application fee?" If you select "Yes", your fee will be waived for that SUNY school. You can do this for up to five SUNY schools.


    College Night


    Suny Poly Open House



    Career and Technical Education Fall 2023


    Suny Morrisville Fall Open House


    Mohawk Valley Community College Open House




    FMCC Fall Open House


    Suny Delhi Open House


    Suny Plattsburgh Event Options


    Le Moyne


    Do you want your voice heard


    Before and After School


    Suicide & Crisis Lifeline




    The Q Center


    The Q Center Parents & Under 12 Groups


    Work Study Program

As the pandemic continues to deepen inequities in our country, college enrollments are trending downward among first-time, first-generation college students from low-income households and underrepresented backgrounds. While families across the state struggle with the challenges brought about by COVID-19, the State University of New York (SUNY) is offering extra support to students to submit their college applications this year.


SUNY recently launched the 'Big Dreams, Small Step' campaign to provide assistance to high school students who are at risk of being left behind this year — and who stand to benefit the most from a college degree. This new campaign builds on the 'SUNY For All' initiative, which aims to broaden access to the country's largest system of public higher education for learners at every stage of life.

We know that a college degree has the ability to change the trajectory of one's life and improve career success. However, even before the pandemic, students from low-income households or those from underrepresented groups had just a 10-25 percent chance of earning a degree. The 'Big Dreams, Small Step' initiative will provide additional support, resources, and guidance to help students navigate the admissions process this year.


Support options include:

Designated Application Weeks featuring individual appointments and personal support on the SUNY application (including assistance on how to apply to SUNY's Educational Opportunity Program). The first of these is next week, March 15-19.


  • Application fee waivers for eligible students, potentially adding up to $350 in savings when applying to multiple schools
  • SUNY's 'personalized support service' expansion to help applicants complete an application fee waiver and secure the endorsement of their high school counselor remotely
  • Enhanced 'College Advisor of the Day' programming, where high school students can book a focused, one-on-one conversation about SUNY's offerings and the application process
  • Immediate, easy-to-follow guidance on applying to SUNY and where to get help



Utica College Raise Me Scholarships:

We are excited to let you know that Utica College has partnered with RaiseMe! As you may already know, RaiseMe is an online platform for 9th-11th grade students to earn money for college. As the college search season is well underway, we wanted to encourage you to share this news with your students.


Through RaiseMe, your students can earn “micro-scholarships” (performance-based scholarships) from Utica College and nearly 300 other colleges for their high school achievements, beginning in 9th grade. Students can earn for A’s, community service, extra-curricular activities, and everything in between. Specifically, students can earn the following through Utica College’s micro-scholarship program with RaiseMe:

●    $80 for each A in a Core course
●    $40 for each extracurricular activity per school year
●    $4 for every hour of community service
●    $500 for a campus visit to Utica College
●    Up to $40 for each Honors, Advanced, College Level, Pre-AP or Pre-IB course
Thousands of counselors are using this free program to motivate students early, improve outcomes, and reinforce the guidance they’re already giving. RaiseMe can help your students get a head start on their college search, and develop into stronger applicants. Help your students get started at Raise Me website.


Coping Circles



The Director of Selective Service would like to remind all men they need to register with the Selective Service.

To help register you will need to go to  You can pre register at 17 years and 3 months of age until you reach 18 years of age.  (Selective Service Registration )