Schooltool Student Portal is a web-based program that allows students to access the following information:
Use your Web browser to access the Internet and go to the Schooltool Portal website or simply follow the link for Student Portal under Student Resources > Student Portal.
Where is says “Username”, type in your full school assigned username. (Example: 17jdoe)
Where it says “Password”, enter your network password assigned to you by the district.
Click on the blue Login button.
Students should click Logout in the module bar (located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen) when finished.
To get started using the schooltool mobile app you only need to do three things:
**Enabling Push Notifications: For Android, use the Settings area in the app to choose whether or not to receive notifications. For iOS users, this is managed in the Notification Center in your device’s Settings area.
Tip: You will want to use the “Stay logged in” option if you do not want to enter this information each time you access the app.