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Smart Schools Bond Act

New York State approved the Smart Schools Bond Act during the general election on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. The SSIP Act was to provide $2 billion to schools to improve school security, network infrastructure, Pre-K, classroom trailers, and learning technology. Every school district in the State has been allocated a portion of the total money based on a formula. 
The Oneida City School District was awarded $2,067,289 

SSIP Category    Oneida City SD Focus
School Connectivity

Upgrade wireless technology infrastructure district wide to  accommodate for online testing and 1:1 initiatives. Plan includes new switches, access points and cabling. 

Classroom Learning Technology

Implement 1:1 and 2:1 device initiatives. Plan includes   iPads, Chromebooks and Whiteboards to enhance teaching technology in classrooms. 

High-Tech Security

Upgrade and increase security infrastructure and cameras district wide. Plan includes swipe card access, lockdown notification system, and emergency strobes for high noise areas. 

Any comments and questions about the plan can be submitted to 
Learn more about the Smart Bond Act.