The Gift Giveaway: A Resounding Success
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the Gift Giveaway event.
Just a few weeks ago, the IT and PR teams at Oneida City School District joined forces to launch a Toy Drive aimed at positively impacting our students' lives during the holiday season. Over the course of a few weeks, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of our community, as donations of toys poured in consistently. Our efforts to raise awareness and reach out to local businesses yielded an impressive total of 454 new toys, with contributions arriving right up until moments before the event.
We extend a special thank you to the Z Club at Oneida High School, who played a vital role in this initiative by preparing 100 treat bags for distribution to students and assisting with the event’s decorations and logistics. Additionally, we appreciate our talented art students and Mrs. McLain for their engaging face-painting activities, Mr. Andrews for ensuring event security, and the Maintenance staff for their invaluable support. A special mention goes to Santa, whose presence added a delightful touch to our occasion.
We are deeply grateful to our community members and local businesses for their generous donations, which made this event possible. This was truly a collaborative effort.
The IT and PR teams are excited to announce plans to make this an annual event, with aspirations for next year’s initiative to be even bigger and better. Thank you once again for your support and commitment to our students’ well-being!