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2018-19 Budget

The $46,550,725 proposed 2018-19 budget adopted by the Oneida City School District Board of Education on April 23, 2018 reflects a 5.25% budget increase.

Oneida received a 1.86% increase in Foundation Aid over the current school year budget. Foundation aid is the largest portion of unrestricted aid received by the District. The proposed tax increase is 2.52% over 17-18 and complies with the Tax Cap Law.

On a home assessed at $100,000, the overall tax bill increase for 2018-19 after the Basic STAR exemption would be $41.72. For senior citizens with Enhanced STAR, the tax bill increase would be $19.79 for 2018-19. In general, the tax increase equates to approximately .596 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value annually. Please remember, that final assessments and equalization rates are not available until August at which time we will finalize the tax rates.

A second bus proposition will appear on the May 15th ballot requesting authorization to lease five – seventy seat passenger buses for five years at an annual cost not to exceed $108,000 per year.

A third proposition will appear on the ballot authorizing the District Clerk to register voters for voting in school district elections in lieu of a Board of Registration. This provides another option for voters to register to vote in school elections in addition to voter registration with the County Board of Elections.