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SORA eBooks
 Over 2500 eBooks and almost 300 audiobooks! Some titles available with no wait and some with enough copies for the  class or a small group to read. Sora is part of Overdrive and can be connected to your public library card The extra advantage to going through your Sora account is you will see books meant for your grade, not all the books in the world!
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197 Marshall Cavendish eBooks - Ancient & Modern History, Animals, Biographies, Children’s picture books, Early & Modern American History, Government and Politics, Mapping Our World, Mythology, Non-fiction reading titles, Science & Math with real world applications.


40 simultaneous use covering topics in Social Studies: U.S. History, Military & War, World History. 20 simultaneous titles covering topics in Science: Biology, Earth Science, Physics, General Science, and Astronomy.

Interactive eBook collections on Character Srength, CyberSmarts, Internet Do’s & Don’ts, Spotlight on NY, Stand Up: Bullying Prevention, Teen Character Strength, and Teen Cybersmarts.

A rich library of beautifully illustrated titles for all ages and interests.  Learn amazing animal factoids in the Animal Lives series!  Become an expert on black holes, alien planets, and more by reading books in the Explore the Universe series! Are comic books your thing? Journey on wild math and science adventures with characters from the Building Blocks series!